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Black Turtle Beans vs Black Beans: 7 Main Differences

Black beans are not as common as green or butter beans.

However, you can find them in various everyday dishes.

But did you know that there are wide varieties of black beans?

There are the usual black beans, and there are black turtle beans.

These two are typically black but do not look or taste the same.

If you are curious about their differences, we will tell you all there is to know about black turtle beans and black beans.

We will dive deep into the characteristics that make each one of these varieties unique.

Black Turtle Beans vs Black Beans
The main differences between Black Turtle beans and Black beans are their origin, shape, color, size, taste, consistency, and nutritional value. Both have darker colors, but black turtle beans are deep purple, whereas black beans are black.

What are Black Turtle Beans?

This type of bean is considered a close cousin to kidney beans.

This type of bean is commonly cultivated in Central America.

As a result, many authentic Mexican and Cuban dishes, such as black bean pot and soup, are available.

Black turtle beans look very special, and this unique look hides impressive nutrients.

They are rich in proteinzinc, folate, and magnesium.

When you take a very close look at the black turtle beans, you will notice they are not black.

They are a deep, shiny purple.

But you need to see the color difference to quickly detect the bright round dot in the middle of each bean.

Black turtle beans are available in both fresh and dried versions.  

In addition to its beautiful shape and high nutritional value, the mildly sweet flavor of black turtle beans makes this item desirable.

You might feel that it resembles the taste of meaty mushrooms.

Black turtle beans are not very large, as they are smaller than average.

What are Black Beans?

Black beans are very popular all over the Americas.

They are not just one variety; many varieties are called black beans.

Black turtle beans are just one example.

There are Blackhawk and Raven black beans too.

Black beans are pretty flexible when it comes to cooking.

It’s great in salads or as a cold snack.

It is also cooked as puree.

All over the world, people prefer dried black beans more than the fresh variety.

But the most important trick in cooking black beans is proper soaking right after rinsing.

This allows water to penetrate the tough seeds and make them easier to cook.

However, if you forget to soak the beans overnight, you can boil some water and soak the beans for a couple of minutes.

Then you can take the pot off the stove and let the beans sit for around 45 minutes.

Black beans are a good source of protein and fiber.

They are also more oval and elongated in a way that sets them apart from black-eyed peas. 

Also, its outer surface is not glossy.

Black beans are widely grown in South America, but they have spread to almost every country.

Black beans taste slightly earthy and are not considered sweet.

It is commonly used as an ingredient in burritos.

Larger beans can be used in making the famous rice and bean dish.

Differences between Black Turtle Beans and Black Beans

Black turtle beans and black beans are somewhat similar.

This causes many people to need clarification from each other.

Both are popular all over America, but black beans are more popular.

This is because black beans are the main category under which you can find black turtle beans.

1. Origin

Black turtle and black beans are indeed native to America, but they grow on different continents.

Black turtle beans are native to Central America, whereas black beans are native to South America.

2. Shape

You can rely on the shape factor in the black turtle beans vs. black beans comparison.

Black turtle beans are slightly oval but not as long as black beans.

The former are plumper and somehow square.

3. Color

The black color gives the wrong impression that both types of beans are identical.

However, black turtle beans are not black.

They are deep purple that reflects a black shade.

Black beans, on the other hand, are indeed black.

Another reliable indicator in distinguishing their colors is the shine in the black and black turtle beans’ outer layer.

Black turtle beans are glossier, whereas black beans are matte.

4. Size

Another obvious sign that helps settle the debate about black turtle beans vs. black beans is their size.

Black beans tend to be large.

They can be twice the size of black turtle beans.

5. Taste

Essentially, there is no discernible difference in flavor between black turtle beans and black beans.

However, if you are a supertaster, you will quickly notice black turtle beans’ shysweet flavor.

Additionally, it will feel a bit meaty, like some mushrooms.

The taste of black beans is sharper in terms of earthiness.

Also, it is not sweet at all.

6. Consistency

While both varieties of beans are hard and consistent, black beans are generally harder.

Cooking black beans takes longer than cooking black turtle beans due to their harder nature.

This nature comes from its larger size.

7. Nutritional value

The nutrients in both black beans and black turtle are not very different.

However, some differences exist.

Both can provide you with the necessary fibers and proteins.

Also, they are low in fat and sugar.

Despite their larger size, black beans provide less nutritional value.

So, you can count on black turtle beans to get more protein, fiber, minerals, and antioxidants.

Black Turtle Beans vs. Black Beans: are they the same?

Black turtle beans and Black beans are different types of legumes.

Black turtle beans come from the larger umbrella of black beans.

But the latter is deep purple and not as dark as the black beans.

Also, you can notice that black beans are larger and more oval than black turtle beans, with their slightly square shape.

Last but not least, black turtle beans are richer in nutrients.

This does not mean black beans are not rich, but black turtle beans prove that size does not matter in nutritional value.

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